Modify Customer Details

Use the Customer Details panel to modify customer details. It is not necessary to complete all fields in the Customer Details panel at one time. Some fields, such as Registration Date or Order Status might be filled in automatically by the system.

Modifying customer details:

1. Double-click the customer that you want to edit.
2. In the panel toolbar, click Edit .
3. Make the required changes.
4. Click Save iconSave.

You cannot navigate away from the Customer Details panel if there are changes pending. If you decide to abandon your changes, click the Cancel icon.

Specifying a preferred billing address:

You can only specify one of a customer's addresses as their preferred billing address.

1. From the Customer Details panel, select the Addresses tab.
2. In the panel toolbar, click Edit .
3. Select the check box in the Preferred Billing column of the preferred billing address.
4. Click Save icon Save .

Specifying a preferred shipping address:

You can only specify one of a customer's addresses as their preferred shipping address.

1. From the Customer Details panel, select the Addresses tab.
2. In the panel toolbar, click Edit.
3. Select the check box in the Preferred Shipping column of the preferred shipping address.
4. Click Save icon Save.

Editing an alternate address:

1. In the Customer Details panel, select the Addresses tab.
2. In the panel toolbar, click Edit.

Icons are displayed for Delete,   Add, and Edit.

3. Select an address and click Edit .
4. Make the required changes.

If you forget to enter information in a required field, a warning is issued and you cannot save the record.

5. When you are finished, click OK.

The Edit Address lightbox closes and your changes are displayed in the customer record.

6. Click Save icon Save in the panel toolbar to save your changes.


Managing Customers
Edit Address Lightbox
Customer Details Panel
Edit Store List Lightbox